15 October 2013

Is being pretty everything?

((click pic for enlargement))

"People that aren't blind won't judge you by looks. They can see your pure hearts."

Many of us insecure with our looks. It's okay. Nothing to be worried. Semua orang cantik, handsome, cool, comel. Serious talk. First tengok budak parit ((no offence)) memang nampak biasa. Dah lama duduk situ, memang akan terserlah diorang punya kecantikan dan kecomelan dan kehandsome-an. 
Kadang-kadang rimas jugak dengar orang merungut tak cantiklah, tak comellah, itulah inilah. 
Kita kawan bukan sebab cantik or hot or glamorous or fabulous or whatever yang related.
HEART. HATI tu yang penting. 
INGAT, hati :) 
Okay, till now. xo 

14 October 2013

Beauty Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Selamat pagi Malaysiaaaaaaa! Saya bangun dengan Subuh sekali. Woops, Awal sekali. Okay whatever. Not my point for this morning. See that doodle? Okay, aku buat siapkan 17 Sept '13. Boleh tahanlah dalam banyak-banyak doodle yang aku pernah buat. Today, we're going to talk about beauty. 

Cantik kaaaaaannnnnnnn? We dont need to dye our hair anymore. Chalk your hair with soft pastels. I've tried and it 
works!! No worries, hair chalk boleh tanggal dengan air just kena basuh betul-betul guna shampoo and conditioner :) 
Try it out! :) 
Okay byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 


HAI HOI HUIII GAIISSSS. Okay, hi after about 2 months without internet connection ((with full coverage)) in Parit. Well yeah. after Raya hari tu ada exam kaaannnnnnn. and passed all that halangan dengan last minute study. Duh, that's how I live. Lolololz. Jangan contohi saya yang begitu okai adik-adik sekaliaaann. Result? Keluar sudeeeehhhh. Okay, jeng jeng jeng......

Alhamdulillah, 3.90 :) Naiklah jugak 0.5 points. Congrats to me ^^ 
And congrats to all form 2 batch cause there are 128 students who got 3.5 and above! YEAYYYYY!! ((applause))
 Oh yeah, Selamat  Hari Raya Aidiladha to all muslims. I'm going back to Parit this Wednesday. Homework still bertimbun. Esok siap InsyaAllah. Pray me the best. The next, NEXT WEEK ada ujian sem 2. Gentaq gila baq hangggg.
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